Unfortunately I was not able to attend the Promising Practice Conference, due to the fact that I was very sick. I instead attended the Basic Rights in Special Education Workshop in Westerly, RI. It was very informative to me because I want to be a special educator when I graduate. It was a two hour workshop that focused on how to access special education and all of the related services for children who had disabilities. They also gave us new insights on the laws that affect special education throughout Rhode Island and what the rights of the parents are when dealing with their children as teachers. I was the only person in this workshop who was not a “teacher” at the moment but they said that it was a great experience for me to hear the stories of what the parents and educators go through on a day to day basis. I was glad that I attended this because it let me get a sense of what it was like to be a parent who has a special needs child. These parents continue to go to these workshops to speak so that they can let every other parent and teacher that goes that they need to “know the rights” of the children that your teaching.
Can you make some connections to our course texts? DId you hear any of our authors resonating here?